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Substantially sped up the hiring process

We were looking for a Salesforce NPSP Admin and Communications Manager with non-profit experience and outstanding technical knowledge. Mason Frank delivered a shortlist of diverse applicants with many specialist skills that we needed and substantially sped up the hiring process. They were professional and transparent throughout and efficiently managed our offer and acceptance negotiations. We look forward to working with their recruiters again to fill our future Salesforce vacancies.

Laurel DrukeHR and Operations Manager, Beyond Differences

The right environment for me

I found my contact at Mason Frank to be very friendly and communicative. He was in touch regularly and worked very hard to get updates from the employer on my behalf. I always felt that he was on my side. He took time to get to know me from the outset, and I was really impressed with the way that he managed me and my expectations. He made sure I was placed in the right environment for me.

Christabel D'SouzaImplementation Consultant